
Catch and Release of Striped Bass Mortality vs Reality

Catch and Release of Striped Bass We have been doing angler workshops up and down the coast for the last few months.  We visited Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Jersey to speak with anglers about their experiences.  A big part of these meetings is the feedback from the several

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Catch and Release Mortality Striped Bass

PROJECT 5: BYCATCH AND INDIRECT LOSS QUANTIFICATION                                                                                 Prepared by: Rudy Lukacovic Hooking Mortality of Deep and Shallow-Hooked Striped Bass Under Different Environmental Conditions in Chesapeake Bay. II.  Introduction                 Recreational catch-and-release mortality of striped bass Morone saxatilis is caused by two main factors: physical injury and physiological stress. Anatomical

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Striped Bass Catch and Release Mortality

Circle Hooks  MDDNR studies with American shad, hickory shad, yellow perch, white perch , summer flounder and striped bass have shown that there are two main factors that cause mortality among released fish: physical injury from hook wounds and stress from the physiological exertion from fighting. Deep-hooking can be influenced

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