After years of data pouring in from The Albie Project, advocacy, persistence, and support from our dedicated community, we’re excited to share a major win for false albacore: the first management effort for the species has been approved. Today, the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission (NCMFC) narrowly passed a proposed rule that establishes much-needed safeguards for this critical species. The vote was close, passing 5-4. Ultimately, the Commission recognized the need for responsible management.
The new rule establishes a threshold for action: if annual landings of false albacore exceed 200% of a five-year average, management measures will be triggered. These measures include a 3,500-pound daily limit on commercial vessels and a 10-fish per person (30 fish per vessel) limit for recreational anglers. While this is not a major regulatory win for the coastwide fishery, it marks a significant shift in management mindset. Those who have been tracking this process over the last year know we have been transparent: Using “200% of landings” to trigger management is not great as far as a single management process goes. That’s a pretty substantial harvest increase. That being said, we can’t look at this as a single management action. We must consider the long-term implications. Through that lens, we are witnessing a paradigm shift in management. False albacore had no limits, no daily quota, no yearly quota and almost no science – until this community united. The goal all along was to put stop-gap measures in place before things begin to spiral. This action accomplished that goal.
Furthermore, this decision sets the tone for other states to approach albie management. Now Massachusetts is taking the lead with proposed regulations up for comment this week. You can learn more and get involved with that effort by clicking here. If all of the key albies states adopt proactive measures, we have a better chance of a sustainable future for this resource.
If you want a full breakdown of today’s happenings at the NCMFC meeting, listen to our Rapid Reaction episode – available now on The Guide Post Podcast! The episode features more commentary on the politics at play and ends with audio directly from the meeting before the big final vote.
We want to extend our gratitude to everyone who submitted comments, attended meetings, and rallied for this cause. Your voices made a difference. While there is still work to be done, today’s decision is a step in the right direction. Stay engaged, stay vocal, and keep pushing for responsible fisheries management.