Cover Photo Courtesy of Skiff Supply Shop
In the face of historically insurmountable adversity, there is still a chance that conservation can win in Louisiana. These odds are directly due to the unification of a powerful community voice. We can’t quiet down now.
On Tuesday, the Joint Oversight Committee deemed that the proactive notice of intent (NOI) for Louisiana Redfish Management we have been pushing for was “unacceptable.” It was evident only minutes into this hearing that, for reasons other than public comment, the Committee had made their minds up before this hearing even began.
The House chose not to support a 13-year rebuilding timeline, stating they would instead wager the future of this fishery against a 30-year timeline. The Senate opted not to vote on the NOI. While this Committee may have deemed the most reasonable approach to rebuilding this fishery “unacceptable,” we find questioning the sanctity of sound data and committing to a 30-year timeline “unacceptable.”
Thankfully, this campaign does not end here. The Joint Oversight Committee only has the power to deem an NOI “acceptable” or “unacceptable” before it heads to the Governor’s desk.
Now, a worthy Notice of Intent to rebuild the Louisiana Redfish stock sits on the Governor’s desk alongside thousands of public comments, brand sign-ons and stacks of supporting scientific evidence from the fishery and the industry. And here’s where we need you:
Join us in calling on Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards to VETO the decision of the Joint Oversight Committee and approve this NOI to rebuild this world-class fishery in a fair, equitable, and timely manner.
All emails should be directed to ( Please send a respectful and encouraging email expressing your support for this NOI and your desire to see Louisiana Redfish back on track in the fastest timeline possible!
SUBJECT: “Veto Oversight Committee & Support Rapid Redfish Recovery”
BODY: “I support the redfish NOI with a reduction of 55% to get the adult population of redfish back to acceptable levels within a reasonable timeline.”
There’s no time to wait. Send your email as soon as possible. Louisiana redfish need your voice.
Additional Resources:
ASGA’s Official Letter in support of NOI for Redfish Management
ASGA Redfish Expenditure Survey

3 Responses
SUBJECT: “Veto Oversight Committee & Support Rapid Redfish Recovery”
BODY: “I support the redfish NOI with a reduction of 55% to get the adult population of redfish back to acceptable levels within a reasonable timeline.”
Veto Oversight Committee & Support Rapid Redfish Recovery
I support the redfish NOI with a reduction of 55% to get the adult population of redfish back to acceptable levels within a reasonable timeline.
The Louisiana fishery is an asset to not only Louisiana but the US and beyond. We need to make these proper steps to see the fishery get back to its proper state.
I fish yearly and support the refish NOI